Torry Retrofit Project

Cut your energy consumption by up to 80%

Energy costs are high and are a huge problem and worry for people in Torry. Torry People’s Assembly met last year and came up with an idea for how to bring everybody’s energy consumption down by improving insulation, making our building airtight and using more energy efficient appliances.

Our ambitious idea is to do this with no upfront cost to the household and give the  opportunity to every home in Torry. Communities across the UK are developing and delivering similar community projects through innovative financing that is not reliant on local authority funding.

In Torry, we’re at the beginning of that journey, but we want to let people in Torry know about it - and a bit about what it would mean for you if you were to join in. 

We are looking for funding for further phases of this project. We are planning to use this for understanding how we can improve the energy efficiency in Torry by retrofitting energy saving measures.  Our plan has the following stages. We will:

Stage- 0: In progress - we want to start the journey with some surveys as the first step. Torry People's Assembly has funding to offer 3 households a free energy use assessment. If you’d like your house to be considered for an assessment please fill in this application form. Read more here.

Stage-1:  Assess the housing stock and understand what needs to be done, how much it will cost and how best it should be done? This stage will involve surveying more buildings/homes and feasibility of a pilot project to retrofit 3 buildings..

Stage- 2: Carry out the detailed design and planning of a pilot demonstration  project.

Stage-3: Do the retrofitting of 3 selected buildings to demonstrate implementation of energy efficiency improvements and their impacts.

Stage-4:  Establish what it will take to do the whole of Torry by transferring our learnings and findings from the pilot project.

Stage-5: Retrofit all of the Torry homes with potentially no upfront cost to the community. At this point we are committed to finding how to provide comfortable, warm homes in a way that is affordable to all.

The idea of retrofit for and by the Torry Community originates from the Torry Assembly. To begin with, the Torry Assembly is assisted by NESFIT: a cooperative retrofit charity established specifically to facilitate retrofit in the North East of Scotland and Open Source which is supporting Torry People’s Assembly.

Additional assistance to the project is provided by NESCAN.

Click here for more information on Retrofitting.